Donate Props or Costumes
StageDoor welcomes donations of props, wardrobe, jewelry, and costume pieces.
Please take a look at some guidelines on wardrobe and prop donations.
Want to Volunteer?
We are always looking for volunteers to help create the magic. We welcome you to join our volunteer opportunities in events and special activities, backstage activities (props, costumes, set construction, stage management), tech (lights, sound), or helping out in our tickets and concessions.
Become a Sponsor or Advertiser
Introduce your business to our patrons, and let them know that you support the arts and our community. Our season features 11-12 productions, over 70 performances, and exposure to over 7,500 friends, leaders, and supporters.
Bring new customers to your business, and build your relationship with your current customers and clientele. As an advertiser, your ad will appear in every program. Patrons look at our programs before shows, during intermission, and they take programs home to share with family and friends.
StageDoor Thanks Our Sponsors
StageDoor Theater is extremely grateful for the generous support of these major sponsors and community partners.
These organizations and partners are an essential part of enabling StageDoor Theatre to continue to be a vital resource for education and performing arts in the mountain community. Please support these wonderful organizations and partners!